thanks for the replies
now the shortcuts with e-uae work
i used morphos with qemu 3 years ago'
to test the installation only
now it's two days that I finally use it after fixing the monitor
the impression has always been excellent but it is difficult to find the ppc hardware in good condition
morphos I have known it for many years but now that I am using it I would like to understand why it has not been supported in the amiga world I should support this system especially in the immediate future thinking about x64 because after this generation few people will use amiga.
With great regret I think this system was supposed to replace all amiga systems but this was not done and I wonder why
for the keyboard at the moment i solved with this by replacing the default one:
as far as marketing is concerned, I believe that many amiga users do not know Morphos with its potential, for example there are few videos where you can really see what the system is able to do.
They just know it but can't see what the system can do.
It would take a video on the official morphos site where you can see all the applications that Morphos is able to run from E-UAE because those who have used amiga in the past are also attracted simply by the demo-scene.
And all other applications written for Morphos.
Thanks for all the suggestions I appreciate it very much.
Now I keep configuring Morphos because I like it a lot.