Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2096 from 2003/2/24
From: po-RNO
Here's a commandline example to create a script which checks if there's already an icon file for the directory and copies a new icon file if not, and works with directories with spaces in their names (adds quotes around the filenames).
CD into the location where are the dirs you want to create icons for and type (or copy&paste) this:
List DIRS LFORMAT="If NOT EXISTS *"%P%N.info*"*NCopy SYS:Prefs/Presets/Deficons/def_drawer.info *"%P%N.info*"*NEndIf" > T:createicons.script
Then check the contents of the created T:createicons.script file that it looks proper for sure. Then just "Execute T:createicons.script" from the shell to run the actual script file, and you get the icons for all directiories under the current working directory.
If you want to create icons recursively for all found sub dirs too, add the ALL option to the List command.
[ Edited by jPV 21.02.2016 - 11:33 ]