Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 197 from 2008/7/10
From: Cheshire, UK
I am definitely up for supporting this with a donation, as I believe it is an important development.
I mentioned before, I do not know if this is outside of the scope of what you are suggesting, but if TinyGL could be brought to the point where it is compatible with OpenGL 2.0 then we could potentially get Virtual Grand Prix 3 ported over.
MorphOS is behind Amiga OS 4 on the graphics side and anything that can be done to redress this balance I am fully in support with. Not that I have anything against OS4 it would just be good to get the same ports that they do, some of the time. I also appreciate we are not talking about Nova here so I am realistic with my expectations.
PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5Ghz/2GB MorphOS 3.18 Registered
Powerbook 1.67Ghz/1.5GB MorphOS 3.18 Registered
MacMini 1.5Ghz/1GB MorphOS 3.18 Registered
Efika 5200B 400Mhz/128MB MorphOS 2.3 Registered