But if I want to have several contexts: context1 context2 in a same binary (*) (contexts that use differents bitmaps ) then How can I choose the current context so a (say) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); will took effect on context2 not context1
To select a context Windows got this fonction wglMakeCurrent (hdc,hglrc); And ArosMesa got this one AROSMesaMakeCurrent(ctx);
But what is the "Select a given GL context" function in TinyGL ????
Many Thanks
Alain Thellier
(*) In fact it is for Wazp3D. Wazp3D truly need to manage several GL contexts
OK many thanks Henes I will compile that tonight...
Other question : I have readed here http://www.nonsoloamiga.com/index.php?topic=757.0 that after creating a context this way TinyGLBase = OpenLibrary("tinygl.library", 0); tgl_context=GLInit(); glAInitializeContextBitMap(tgl_context,bm);
that glASwapBuffers(tgl_context); is needed to make a frame update
Is it true ? I was supposing that there is no double-buffering in this case so that all is already drawn in the bitmap so that i only need a glFlush(); glFinish(); to make a frame update