Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 566 from 2007/12/10
From: Greece
We have an update:
20-poseidon.library: Opening uhciusb.device unit 0 failed device/unit failed to open (-1).
20-poseidon.library: Opening uhciusb.device unit 1 failed device/unit failed to open (-1).
uhciusb.device should be replaced with the right one for Deneb USB card:
Card when online on trident bu then there was another error.
See the log:
0-poseidon.library: Welcome to poseidon 4.2 (31.8.08) ? 2002-2008 by Chris Hodges (20080831)!
0-poseidon.library: This is the PPC native MorphOS version.
0-poseidon.library: Event broadcaster started.
5-poseidon.library: ClassScan attempted with no classes installed!
0-poseidon.library: Say hello to hub.class V4.2 (Root/external hub base class (MOS)).
0-poseidon.library: Whoah! hid.class V4.2 surprised as Generic support for human interface devices (MOS).
0-poseidon.library: The door bell rang for serialpl2303.class V4.2 (PL2303 serial adapter via serialpl2303.device (MOS)).
0-poseidon.library: Welcome printer.class V4.2 (Bidirectional printer driver via usbparallel.device (MOS)) to the party.
0-poseidon.library: Don't laugh at cdcacm.class V4.2 for USB modems and OBEX via usbmodem.device (MOS).
0-poseidon.library: Time has come for bluetooth.class V4.2 (Bluetooth HCI via usbbluetooth.device (MOS)) to join the show.
0-poseidon.library: Start blaming camdusbmidi.class V4.2 for helping at USB MIDI CAMD Interface class (MOS).
0-poseidon.library: Ain't asixeth.class V4.2 useful for Ethernet SANA driver for ASIX chipsets via usbasixeth.device (MOS)?
0-poseidon.library: Say hello to pegasus.class V4.2 (Ethernet SANA driver for Pegasus chipsets via usbpegasus.device (MOS)).
0-poseidon.library: Whoah! stir4200.class V4.2 surprised as IrDA Bridge for STIr4200 chipsets via usbstir4200.device (MOS).
0-poseidon.library: The door bell rang for usbaudio.class V4.2 (USB Audio Streaming Interface class (MOS)).
0-poseidon.library: Welcome dm9601eth.class V4.2 (Ethernet SANA driver for Davicom chipsets via dm9601eth.device (MOS)) to the party.
0-poseidon.library: Don't laugh at egalaxtouch.class V4.2 for Support for eGalax Touchscreens (MOS).
0-poseidon.library: Time has come for palmpda.class V4.2 (Palm PDA HotSync via usbpalm.device (MOS)) to join the show.
0-poseidon.library: Start blaming serialcp210x.class V4.2 for helping at CP210x serial adapter via serialcp210x.device (MOS).
0-poseidon.library: Ain't bootmouse.class V4.2 useful for Support for mice/tablets in boot protocol mode (MOS)?
0-poseidon.library: Say hello to bootkeyboard.class V4.2 (Support for keyboards in boot protocol mode (MOS)).
0-poseidon.library: Whoah! ptp.class V4.2 surprised as Support for DigiCams and MTP via PTP (MOS).
0-poseidon.library: The door bell rang for simplemidi.class V4.2 (Simple MIDI-IN Stream class mapping to keyboard (MOS)).
0-poseidon.library: Welcome dfu.class V4.2 (Firmware Upgrading/Downloading (MOS)) to the party.
0-poseidon.library: Don't laugh at ethwrap.class V4.2 for Ethernet SANA wrapper for simple devices via usbethwrap.device (MOS).
0-poseidon.library: Time has come for rawwrap.class V4.2 (Simple USB bulk IO wrapper via usbraw.device (MOS)) to join the show.
0-poseidon.library: Enabling QuickIO for Deneb EHCI USB Host Controller (MorphOS).
0-poseidon.library: New hardware MorphOS:MorphOS/Devs/USBHardware/denebpiousb.device/0 added (Deneb EHCI USB Host Controller (MorphOS)).
20-poseidon.library: SET_ADDRESS failed: packet too large (5)
20-poseidon.library: Device enumeration failed, sorry.
20-poseidon.library: Root hub enumeration failed. Blame your hardware driver programmer.
0-poseidon.library: PoPo kicks ass.
And please pay attention to the last lines:
20-poseidon.library: SET_ADDRESS failed: packet too large (5)
20-poseidon.library: Device enumeration failed, sorry.
20-poseidon.library: Root hub enumeration failed. Blame your hardware driver programmer.Chris Hodges says about that:
I'm afraid you might have encountered a dead end. I have seen these packet overflow errors before and they were related to the cyberstorm enabling caches for Zorro III space that was not set up for caching (enabling caching for hardware registers is *very* nasty). I am not really sure what to do right now. If there was a tool that would list the PPC MMU setup for the Zorro III space, *then* we probably would see something wrong there. Right now, I cannot see if MorphOS cares about Zorro III MMU setup at all. Maybe you should ask laire or piru directly.
So if Laire or Piru reads this and got something to propose please email @ or PM me.
One more time a big HAIL to Mr. Hodges, he replied very FAST at my emails, giving support and advice, this is real hardware support!!!!