I have the HD on the primary channel as master, and a DVD on the same channel as slave.
not sure about the flash, how do I check that ?
My startup looks like this (partition is DH1 and now named DH1 too)
; This is the MorphOS loader startup-sequence. If you set the MorphOS partition as bootable,
; this file would cause MorphOS to get loaded on boot automaticly.
; By default MorphOS boots without using the ROM contents of your Amiga. If you wish to
; make it use the kickstart contents (to be able to use trackdisk.device for example)
; please follow those steps:
; 1) Check if you have a correct kickstart file:
; The Kickstart version required are:
; Amiga4000/4000T/3000 - 40.68 or 40.70
; Amiga1200 - 40.68
; Is is advised that you use the unpatched ROM files
; 2) Move or delete fakerom.elf from boot/extmoudles
; 3) Change the kickstart variable, remember to tune the file path
;set kickstart "kickstart=Devs:ROM3.1"
set kickstart "kickstart=Devs:Kickstarts/A1200.ROM"
; Bootdevice can be used to specify the MorphOS partition if you have more than one
; bootable partition and the MorphOS one doesn't have the highest boot priority. Remember
; to use partition names, not volume names! This option requires the 'bootdevice' keyword
; like in the example below:
; set bootdevice "bootdevice=DH1"
; Leave the var blank if you want to boot from the default boot partition!
set bootdevice "bootdevice=DH1"
; The resetlevel and delay variables are there for you to tweak if MorphOS startup doesn't
; reboot the machine properly after loading MorphOS files.
; The possible resetlevel values are:
; 0 exec/coldreboot (System Reboot)
; 1 MMU switch off + normal reset in chipram (default)
; 2 MMU switch off + double reset in chipram
; 3 MMU switch off + Cyberstorm HW Reset in chipram
; 4 for (;;);..waiting for manual reset by your hands
; 5 MMU switch off + normal reset in fastram
; 6 MMU switch off + double reset in fastram
; 7 MMU switch off + Cyberstorm HW Reset in fastram
; NOTE: most common setting for BlizzardPPC is resetlevel 1 and 5 for CyberStormPPC!
set resetlevel 1
set delay 1
; Load the MorphOS loader!
cd sys:boot
startup hal=roms/hal.com1 kernel=roms/kernel.com1 abox=roms/abox2.com1 module=roms/module.com1 resetlevel=$resetlevel ramdebug verbose debug EDebugFlags="NoLogServer NoLogWindow" sumkick disableled delay=$delay extmodules=extmodules/#? $bootdevice $kickstart >NIL: