OK. still can't get this to work.. what should happen when the amiga reboots.. should it show display anything ?
the boot from cd instructions are not very clear.
> cd sys:boot
> startup hal=roms/hal.com1 kernel=roms/kernel.com1 abox=roms/abox2.com1 module=roms/module.com1 resetlevel=1 ramdebug verbose debug EDebugFlags="NoLogServer NoLogWindow" sumkick disableled delay=1 extmodules=extmodules/#? nokickstart >NIL:
Remember to set the correct path to the Kickstart file!
what path for the kickstart file ? it doesnt point to any kickstart file ?!?
What do you need to boot from cd. do you need to activate the cyberstorm/blizzapd early boot menu to mount and boot the cd ?
Can someone write some more indepth instructions? these are rather cr*p