Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
From: Northern Calif...
I think you are suffering from a bit of wishful thinking that any MorphZone.org member would trade you a MorphOS3.0 capable G4 PowerBook in exchange for your 1.42GHz G4 MacMini with registered MorphOS2.7 license.
They are much more likely to keep their G4 PowerBook for themselves and wait for the soon to be released MorphOS3.0 for themselves.
I wish you luck in finding a buyer for your system though, so you can look for your own G4 PowerBook to be ready for when MorphOS3.0 is released. Perhaps you can find someone who does not yet have a registered MorphOS system and therefore create a new MorphOS user in the process, while at the same time raising most of the money you need to buy a G4 PowerBook to run MorphOS3.0 on when it arrives.
Since you are in Texas, where the value of G4 MacMini's is less than it might be in some other countries, you might need to offer to ship it to a buyer where G4 MacMini's are less common, to get a good price. Just a thought.
Good Luck!
MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.