Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
From: Northern Calif...
pega-1 wrote:
There is no imminent G5 MorphOS release around, it's not even sure if we ever release G5 support yet.
Even if this machines will be given away for free soon or are thrown into the trash for whatever reason, it won't make it any simpler to support all aspects of this machines. We are already quite busy to properly handle all the currently supported models, there are no plans to expand the hardware base beyond G4 CPUs soon, definitely not with the next update of MorphOS.
Just as I expected.
I appreciate all the work that has been done and continues to be done to improve the support for the models that are already supported and only have hopes that the support of G4 PowerBook models will be finished some time before the end of this year.
I hope that all other MorphOS users will be patient and realize that although this is a commercial OS, it is developed by a very small group of talented programmers, not a large company, and they should keep their expectations for future releases in line with those facts.
Enjoy what we have now! The best Amiga system available at this point in time, running on the fastest equipment for the money you can buy to run any full featured Amiga-Like OS (until AROS catches up with MorphOS some time in the next few years and you can run it on any cheap & fast x86 system).
I do hope that the MorphOS Dev Team will eventually support the G5 PowerMac and iMac, but I think they are doing the right thing by completing their work on the models already supported and support for the G4 PowerBook first, before moving on to support for the G5 models.
MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.