Pegasos 1 (april 1 fix)
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2006/12/18
    Because of a serious lack of space and time to set up the system properly, I am hereby selling my Pegasos 1 (april 1 fix). I've been wanting to use it as a secondary system next to my A4000, but it has been sitting on the floor next to my desk for way too long now, which is a shame really.

    Besides that I'm way too busy the next few months, so I guess I'll wait for MorphOS v2.0 to come available on the Efika to give it another try...

    The board comes with 2x128MB RAM (IIRC) and is fitted in a nice small black/grey desktop ?ATX case, with floppy drive and CD-ROM. I will also consider selling the board separately, to avoid high shipping rates - maximum shipping costs including the case will be around EUR 55,00 (for shipping worldwide - shipping within Europe would be somewhat cheaper).

    Only minor detail is that one of the "grips" from the main IDE connector is snapped off. This does not affect any functionality of the system.

    Looking for a good offer, otherwise I'll throw it on Ebay in a week.

    Shipping worldwide. Pictures of the case on demand (mcvenco at gmail dot com)
  • »01.06.07 - 12:22
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2006/12/18
  • »05.06.07 - 07:03