for Sale: XG2Turbo Flashcard for GameBoy Advance (SP)
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 131 from 2004/4/16
    From: Langen, Germany
    Hi all,

    I am selling my XG2Turbo Flashcard for the GBA (SP) and NDS.

    Unlike other flashcards this one can not only be used for playing downloaded roms from the net - with the XG2Turbo you are able to backup your own GBA games, too!

    Compatibility of games almost 100%, no speed impact on playing games. Capacity: 256 MBbit.

    You need a Computer capable to run Win98 and an USB1.1 slot (so, most old PCs will do the job). The GameBoy Advance or GameBoyAdvanceSP will be connected via a special cable to the USB port, so the GBA itself is the reading and writing device. As soon as the flashcard does contain games it can be used with the NDS, too.

    Why buying this flash card (even if you do not plan to use it for pirated roms)?

    - backup your expensive original roms!
    - save several games on one single flash card - saves room in your pockets!
    - use homebrew software (there exist good emulators for NES, SNES, Sega GameGear and PC Engine) and save dozens of games on the card!
    - read ebooks!

    PRICE: was EUR 120 when it was new, now only EUR 49 plus P&P.

    Interested? Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me:

    schlonz (at) gentlemansclub de
  • »15.03.07 - 23:48