Paladin of the Pegasos
Posts: 1302 from 2010/1/6
From: EU-Austria (Wien)
PowerMAC G5/2.0GHz, MB with ROM 5.24f1 (runs only with 2 CPUs), HD160GB, 256MB RAM, no Video-Card.
System does'nt start (no chime), only fan's runs full power after a while.
Case is in good condition, nearly no signs of wear (perfect for modding).
Located in eastern Austria. Self-collecting prefered (because of weight), but shipping also possible.
If only case is needed, I can remove all parts inside, to save weight.
Cost: €50.- (excl. shipping)
41976684ui.jpg41976685jk.jpg41976686en.jpgWas originally a 2.3GHz:
41976687jr.jpgPeg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....