• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    >>> I have donated computer gear to other developers in the past, but so far
    >>> I have not seen any programs completed for MorphOS by any of them

    >> That statement is demonstrably untrue.

    > It is absolutely true! [...] Not only have I not seen any software you or any other
    > programmer has written, using the donated computer I sent you and them [...],
    > I am not aware of any new software you [...] have written on that donated gear
    > (not counting a few updates you may have done to existing ports, or original
    > software you had already written prior to receiving the donated MorphOS compatible
    > computer, and even that software I have not seen, as I was not interested in
    > any of your prior ports, or software). Feel free to post a list of the great wealth
    > of MorphOS software you have written and completed since I donated the
    > 1.5GHz G4 MacMini to you years ago (not just updates and/or bug fixes to any
    > of the ports you had already completed prior to receiving the donated computer).
    > And where I can download this huge library of new software for MorphOS from?

  • »17.07.15 - 19:36