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Located in the USA
None come with a MOS License. They are capable of running MOS. Some come with MOS capable video cards and some do not so please look at the specs of the machine you are interested in closely.
G4-733 Quick Silver. 1.0GB RAM, 40 Gig HD, Combo CDRW/DVD-ROM Drive, ZIP-250 drive, GeForce2 MX with 32Meg VRAM. Comes with Power Cord. A fresh install of OS9 will be on the hard drive. Sorry no OS Media included.
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What I have here for sale is a project machine that I put together from spare parts but do not have a use for. I ran it for a couple of months with MAME and basic Web Browsing and it ran fine. Please read the specs carefully as not all the original MDD parts are in the machine. They are equal or greater than original (like Max RAM) but please read all the specs. The machine is priced great and the parts alone are worth the asking price.
Power Mac G4 1.0DP MDD 2GB RAM, 40 Gig HD, DVD-ROM Drive, NVDIVIA GeForce4 MX graphics card with 64 MB of DDR SDRAM. Comes with Power Cord. Sorry no OS media included.
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G4-500MP (dual 500mhz) 2.0GB RAM, 40 Gig HD, 5X DVD-RAM (can use rewritable DVD-RAM Discs), ATI Rage 128 Pro video with 16Meg VRAM. Comes with Power Cord. A fresh install of OS9 will be on the hard drive. Sorry no OS Media included. Comes with 2 DVD-RAM Discs
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Power Mac G4 1.0DP QS 1.5GB RAM, 40 Gig HD, DVD-Super Drive, ATI 9000 grahics card with 64 MB of DDR SDRAM. Comes with Power Cord. Sorry no OS media included.
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Mac mini G4 1.25ghz 1GB RAM, 40 Gig HD, Combo CDRW/DVD-ROM Drive. Comes with Power Adapter, cord and generic DVI to VGA Adapter. A fresh install of OSX will be put on the drive. Sorry no OS media included.
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(ebay ID: 577 @ 100% since Sep-1999)
G5 2.0DP, MorphOS3.13