Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
From: Delaware, USA
The PowerBook we found Johannes (Yasu) is a Hi-Res 1.67 GHz model with 2GB of DDR2 memory.
Except for one faulty USB port, everything seems to be in great shape.
The cost was a bit high at $250, but the higher resolution display is stunning.
I will be swapping out the hard drive for a 250GB Western Digital drive this weekend and installing MorphOS.
Then we will arrange shipping to Sweden.
As these laptops are cheaper in the US, even with shipping to Europe they are pretty economical.
While PowerMac G4 and G5 systems are also dirt cheap here, the higher weight makes shipping impractical.
"Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"