Huge lot of Amiga gear going to eBay today
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...
    I am thinning my massive collection of Amiga hardware and software by placing about 50% of it on eBay starting later today (it will take me weeks to list everything in auctions there), but if any of you are interested in buying any of my gear, or software (mostly boxed w/original floppy disks) send me a PMail and let me know what you are looking for. I already have a thread on going that is titled "Wanted CDTV MINT condition" or something like that. I am willing to trade something of mine for a mint CDTV unit and mouse. I already have most all of the other CDTV peripherals.

    I want the CDTV to replace my broken CDTV and I need money, so that is the reason I am selling so much of my collection. Also, I want to get rid of Amigas that I am not using and put them into hands that will appreciate them more.

    Thanks for looking and let me know what you would like to trade, or buy and I will check to see if I have it (I literally have several rooms full of Amiga gear and software).
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »13.08.10 - 06:49