First selling your EFIKA - now your PEG....? Are you leaving MOS-community? I really hope not.....
No need to worry. I still have 2 more Pegs, one seems to have dead motherboard, anther one from DrZarkov with registered MOS is waiting at post office to be picked up
Same with A3000D I bought from you, really nice piece of hardare! Now it has two new cards - Deneb USB and CV64, another one - DKB 3128 - waits for me in the customs.
I've sold my Peggy to lord_spider, and I'm waiting for my Efika from Hell-Labs. It all stays in the family! :D BTW: The parcel is still not in Poland? That's really lame of DHL. I've send other parcels with Amiga hardware to Spain and Italy, which arrived last week.