Mac mini G4 1.25Ghz
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 335 from 2009/2/2
    From: Hampshire, UK
    Been a bit busy (and ill) lately to do as much as I would have liked with the whole "Morphed macs" idea but I've managed to get this add put up in a couple of places:

    Here's the first of three Mac minis I have to sell set up to dual boot MacOS X and MorphOS 2.4.
    It's been thoroughly checked and is running well. Nothing serious but there are some cosmetic blemishes/scratches. Including a mark on the bottom where somebody has tried to open the machine. I've opened it up myself (without making a mark I hasten to add) to check it over and upgrade the RAM to 512MB from the original 256MB.
    Optical drive is the standard combo CD-RW/DVD drive and the hard drive is a 40GB model. I can upgrade these to buyers specifications.
    As you can see from the pictures all the original packaging, cables discs etc. are provided (the outer box is also included but not shown).
    Feel free to ask any questions.

    ?160 with 512MB of RAM
    ?150 with 256MB of RAM

    Both prices are plus shipping.

    Photos available at:
    "We live, we die, we laugh, we cry"
  • »25.10.09 - 18:34