New Batch of Minimig Enclosures?
  • rob
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 139 from 2008/7/22
    The Daddy is considering another batch of MiniMig cases. I guess a few people here might be interested so I reposted the info.



    How many people have a Minimig board and need a case/enclosure?

    You can see them here if you have missed them the first time:

    At the moment I have no more White ones left and only a few Black ones.

    Is anyone interested in a new production?

    Please let me know as soon as possible so we might just manage to get them back before Christmas, so if you are thinking of buying one as a present the time to let me know is now.

    I am in talks with ACube regarding a custom case for SAM but this depends on the sales of the Minimig enclosures too, so please post your comments.

    Thank you,
  • »08.10.08 - 09:52