Wanted: Pegasos 2 CPU card
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 406 from 2019/5/9
    From: Central Bohemi...

    I am looking for Pegasos 2 G4 CPU card.

    Card can be both working or not working.
    Also can be whole motherboard.
    AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
    AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, Sam460LE, AmigaOneX1000
    MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Sam460LE, Pegasos II, Powerbook G4, Mac Mini, iMac G5, Powermac G5 Quad
  • »17.03.23 - 08:22
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 139 from 2004/3/8
    I have a whole Motherboard with working card I am wanting to sell. Feel free to PM and we can see if we can work something out. I am located in Northern California.
  • »10.04.24 - 22:36
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 257 from 2004/4/3
    From: France

    When my pegasos 2 died in 2018 or 2017 I have proposed the motherboard and the cpu daughterboard to Papiosaur. He accepted to take them. You can/could try to ask him if he still has them and then if he wants well to give them to you.


    [ Edité par Brumiga 12.04.2024 - 14:36 ]
  • »12.04.24 - 12:36