Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
From: Delaware, USA
Doffo wrote:
I was tempted to buy another set just to have as a 3rd backup. Was the LCS a Panasonic or the Delphi? The Panasonic had visible copper pipes sticking on the sides of the radiator whereas the Delphi just was straight flat aluminum.
Either way, I ruled out sometime last year that infact you can upgrade the G5 CPUs. Depending on the firmware, you could update a 2.5ghz to a 2.7gh. Believe late model G5s you can just put in a 2.7ghz and be done with it. :)
I won't be able to double check until tomorrow as I'm working out of town today.
Shipping costs with the LCS are prohibitively high, so we are stripping off the cooler for shipping anyway.
Pampers says he has one to spare.
If you would like the cooler, talk to Wiktor (since they belong to him).
Edit - The only copper I see leads to the small heatsinks in the back (not tied to the radiator) so I guess this is a Dephi cooler.
Again, you'd have to ask Pampers what he wants to do with this.
[ Edited by Jim 09.04.2014 - 11:50 ]"Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"