Poll: Would you be interested in paying 49e for MorphOS port of AudioEvolution4 ?
Ended on 06.06.2010 - 17:43:36
» yes
78 %
78.05 % (32)
» no
21 %
21.95 % (9)
Total Voters: 41

  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 38 from 2009/10/27
    Hmm, SoundFX is a great software for audio editing with lots of advanced features. It runs on MorphOS, but not that stable and has some display faults due to emulation.
    A native port and a GUI refreshment (MUI) would result in a great piece of software with AMIGA-tradition for our system!
    It is some time since there was activity with SoundFX by the author Stefan Kost.
    Wonder if he could be brought back to action by polls, bounties or sponsoring a development system...
  • »24.05.10 - 22:31