• Just looking around
    Posts: 8 from 2006/1/4
    From: Poland
    What do You think about creating a Bounty "AbiWord (www.abisource.com) for MorphOS". There are ports of this Open Source Linux Wordprocessor for Windows, MacOSX, QNX and BeOS. Why not for Amiga/Pegasos?
    We have GTK->MUI Wrapper and Ttengine. Maybe it's a time to use it to build something big? I use Windows version of AbiWord and compatibility with M$Word documents is acceptable.
    I sent a suggestion to create this Bounty to Morphzone but unfortunately don't have any answer :-(

    [ Edited by FOrest on 2006/1/4 15:31 ]
  • »04.01.06 - 08:23