• ASiegel
    Posts: 1380 from 2003/2/15
    From: Central Europe

    pampers wrote:

    ASiegel wrote:
    I am afraid it does apply sometimes. Some websites are not designed to work with anything but the very latest browsers and rely on specific Javascript features that were introduced fairly recently.

    Cannot agree on that. OWB fails on css already, for example it doesn't recognize anything about "Flexbox".

    What is the last MorphOS version you have used?

    Allegro.pl would not display as well as it does via Odyssey v1.25 and newer without any Flexbox support.

    In fact, allegro.pl was one of our test cases for improving Odyssey. MorphOS 3.11 and later is a lot better at displaying modern websites.

    Here is a quote from the MorphOS 3.11 release notes:

    Adds support for additional CSS property values used by modern flexbox and grid page layouts

    Source: MorphOS 3.11 Release Notes

    Here are screenshots from 2018:
    allegro.pl displayed by Odyssey
  • »09.10.19 - 12:45