Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
From: Russia, Moscow
I am here. Just was solving some family problems...
A part of them is workspace cleanup (removing tons of crappy hardware from my table and different boxes).
(for those who like to ask questions: yes, my wife and i are tired from tons of trash in out flat, we were making a general cleanup this month (in addition i had to stay at work until 21:00). I don't have enough time to devote to so many computer systems. I don't have appropriate time to port AROS to mac68k. I don't have appropriate time to write S3 chip driver for AROS. I need a PC and i need a portable machine (laptop). So i decided that desktop PC + Mac laptop => a bit better PC laptop is a good deal. It's done.
As a part of this process i've exchanged my PowerBook-150 for IBM ThinkPad 365x laptop. My Pentium-90 desktop PC will also go away as soon as i finish system migration and remove large 20 GB HDD from it.
As a side effect this means i'll have no second firewire peer. So IP-over-firewire is out of scope at least until PCMCIA HW acquisition by some way.
2 merko: so if you want to write a bounty spec, do it now. IDE to firewire boxes didn't arrive and i assume they won't. So firewire storage is also out of scope. DV only, easily expandable. Let's define it as "Stage one".
Please consider this long pause as "complete life priorities re-evaluation".
Some good news to you: i've got a email access at last.
iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?