• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    [...] BUT the program itself depends on some GPL stuff (which depends on even more GPL stuff... and so on) and I guess that makes it "full" GPL (as in "may not be used in non-GPL-compatible software)

    Not sure where you're going with that .. other than that as is quite often the case, GPL code make frequent use of other pieces of GPL code, which means you normally have quite a large number of authors (which you'll find many are no longer reachable) to deal with if you want to have some kind of exception to the license for your program...


    Of course one possibility is to keep GPL and non-GPL parts separate, so that you can use non-GPL stuff without the GPL restrictions.

    Right, and in order to achieve that they must be completely separate programs.


    Some programs refuse to compile in any GPL stuff unless you also add --enable-gpl when compiling, making it totally impossible to add GPL code to the program by accident.

    ..unless you're a certain hungarian... ;)

    - CISC
  • »18.10.06 - 09:39