• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 209 from 2003/3/3
    From: Preston, Wa
    Magnetic: Firewire didn't used to work OOTB in Linux or from what I
    could tell a few years ago, much of any other time either. I never
    got it to work correctly and I spent LOTS of time trying. I'm glad
    they got it going now though.

    Also, firewire is not dead-nowadays even alot of cheap clone PC mobos
    at my local computer store have firewire on board, or if not, the
    cards are sub-$15 if you know where to look, about $30 if you don't.
    All decent camcorders still come with it. And by 'decent' I don't
    mean the current crop of DVD based things either..

    Also, firewire is preferred in the audio and video worlds because it
    gives guarantees of data transfer accuracy that USB does not. Firewire
    times things much more precisely than USB. Both standards will be
    around for a long long time.

    With that said, I have several firewire devices around and would be
    happy to help test with them. A JVC GR-DVL915U miniDV camcorder, a
    Que-Fire firewire CD burner at 24x. I can get a variety of other
    firewire enclosures used for $10 or thereabouts, and stick in big HDDs
    etc. Potentially, I might also have access to some real high-end
    video equipment and a firewire audio mixer (sorry, the make escapes
    me, it's a friends but he's got fat broadband and would let me come
    over and plug it in.) Also an iBot firewire camera. It has great
    quality, actually.

    Finally, WRT the USB2, isn't that a Chris Hodges thing? Or is someone
    else just adding the 2.0 support to Poseidon for him? DOesn't make
    sense to re-invent the wheel for something we already have which
    works so well.

    Do I have to sign an NDA or something?
  • »22.08.06 - 06:32
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