• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 209 from 2003/3/3
    From: Preston, Wa

    I had the privilege of working with Dean Brown at Amiga in Snoqualmie. A total genius, and a heckuva nice guy :-)

    The DKB Wildfire 68060 accelerator was arguably the finest Amiga accelerator product ever made. EVen with crappy SIMM modules, the memory access speed of the Wildfire was faster than the most optimized settings, on fast SIMMs, for the Cyberstorm PPC. Its' onboard SCSI and ethernet were also the fastest such implementations in any Amiga product-faster even than a ZIII SCSI or ethernet card. It used Dean's own self-made glue/control logic, and a DEC Tulip ethernet chip.

    The SCSI chip could, till its buffer ran out, DMA into RAM at 70Mbytes/sec, and the DEC ethernet chip could approach the theoretical 10Mbps ethernet limit easily, getting over 900K/sec throughput consistently. And, it would correctly boot up in 060 mode with no external software-Dean got all that into the firmware of the card-making setup the 'plug and play' arrangement Amigans were used to in the 80's as opposed to 'after XP SP 2'.

    It also had working PCI expansion in the shape of the two custom connectors on it, one of which could be populated with a graphics card, the Inferno. There were only three of those made, and approximately a thousand Wildfire boards. Just a fantastic bit of hardware.

    Dean's stories of the unfortunate Amiga politics which prevented his getting 060 CPU chips at a doable price also sheds much light on, uhh, why not everyone loves Petro and Escom, but that's a subject even more off-topic than this..

    But it has alot to do with why the Wildfire was about $1500, $400 more than the Blizzard :-(

    I've only ever seen two of these, and one in operation. It was fantastic, rivaling MorphOS on a Pegasos for snappiness and that overall, not clogged-up-with-crap (a technical description ;-) ) OS feel that we here all enjoy. My Mac sure doesn't have it :-(

    If I ever wanted to back any Amiga hardware expansion device, I'd sure do my best to get DKB on as its designer. Yeah, I'll admit to being a fanboy..
  • »14.08.06 - 17:46
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