• Moderator
    Posts: 441 from 2003/2/26
    From: Sweden


    How come "your" project Ambient continued beeing developed after Zapek released it as open source? Without him releasing it, it would be completely, 100% dead today. Thanks to open source it is not.

    First, Ambient isn't _mine_ project. Its a group-project.

    When David decided to leave the MorphOS arena, and to not develop Ambient further, my guess is he had three choices to do.

    # Put it into the garbage bin, which should mean it had become a forgotten project left in the far history.

    # Let someone else to take it over.

    # Make it public in some open source form.

    Maybe he also had other options/considerations, I dont know.

    From my understanding he choosed the third alternative of the three above.

    Why Ambient is developed further is only because there are people who do, and do like to do what they do. Simple ? :-)


    There are numerous examples where open source was the savior of abandoned software.

    Of course, as there also are not.


    ... there are no guarantees in life besides taxes and your death.

    My death is not guaranteed, but your is...

    Edit: Typing mistake

    [ Edited by gunne on 2006/8/9 17:29 ]
    Best wishes, Gunne
  • »09.08.06 - 16:37
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