• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 254 from 2004/4/22
    From: Pegasos.org
    "I do personally believe that stating that open source is some kind
    of _guarantee_ for a particulary software to be continued developed
    further is a completely false understanding."

    How come "your" project Ambient continued beeing developed after Zapek
    released it as open source? Without him releasing it, it would be completely,
    100% dead today. Thanks to open source it is not.

    There are numerous examples where open source was the savior
    of abandoned software.

    OK, you used the word guarantee and sure, there are no guarantees
    in life besides taxes and your death. But the chances of software
    living on after the original author got tired are a hell of a lot higher
    if he releases it as open source than if it sits on a backup CD
  • »09.08.06 - 14:55
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