• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    Still up to your old spamming antics I see...

    Anyway, you really need to work on that crush you have on RMS, I'm not sure he appreciates the attention (or maybe he doesn't care what kind of attention he gets, as long as he gets it, what do I know?).

    I know alot about freedom and GPL and I'm merely calling the GPL bluff, I'm sorry if that offends you .. I have nothing against OSS or people who choose the GPL (or any other) license knowing full well what the consequences are, however quite often people choose a license without even having read it, much less understood what it means, and in the case of GPL that's often because of bullshit propaganda by the likes of RMS and the hype surrounding it. (L)GPL is totally fine for many projects (I have even been involved in a few (although I prefer MIT/BSD/PD myself as they not only are more free than (L)GPL, but also much easier for people without (para)legal skills to understand)), but you should never pick a license for your software without knowing exactly what that would entail, and neither should you use functionality/code from such software without knowing the impact for the very same reason. GPL gets alot more trickier in the latter area (even LGPL to some extent), and you really need to be careful before picking this license and/or using binaries/code from such software, there is plenty of evidence that people don't understand/don't want to understand/ignore the license and a great big mess usually ensues...

    - CISC
  • »09.08.06 - 14:40