• Caterpillar
    Posts: 24 from 2003/4/21

    what am i doing here?
    do i need to explain myself?
    maybe you wanna look at my id paper? or verify some tatoo codebar on my neck?

    i go where i choose to go obviously ;)
    just be happy i have enough time or interest to speak here , or even consult the site time to time ..

    you're right tho, it's a closed source system, beside i like it or not ..
    we'll see if it does it any good ..
    my best guess would say that amiga should have gone opensource long ago, if that were possible .. (think not, but, i'm speaking in an ideal and hypothetic way)

    so far i see thing that are moving the most are opensourced stuffs, such as ambient or the tcp stack mosnet/eztcp
    mplayer, blender, aweb..maybe, sputnik, i can't list em all but ..
    most of the project that look alive are opensource..
    morphos on the other hand..well you know .. ;)
    when it's done ;)

    ok i'm off, i said what i had to.. eat it or refuse it i don't care.
    i said what i thought that ought to be said.

    i'm off.. 'later folks :)
  • »09.08.06 - 07:48
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