• Caterpillar
    Posts: 24 from 2003/4/21

    how do you think gnu/linux made it this way?
    it's simple: ppl that code application do know their own baby the most.
    so ppl pay for them to maintain/develop further their app..on a contract basis..
    like bounties..

    you like arteffect? you want more feature? you contract the author to make it happen..or open bounties..

    sur open source also mean your code can be copied and someone could make a clone of arteffect and call it hurteffect-or-idunnowhat_v6beta2

    but that's where gpl is good: if u use gpl code you must release your copy/clone as gpl too, so other could benefit from your work too..

    gpl if something that do make ppl to work together .. hand in hand ..
    it's great..

    GPL has to protect itself from plain code steal and relabel.
    so if you admit you use gpl code to create you own app, it men GPL helped you to do so.. so you must help gpl by giving your code too so it could benefit someone else too..

    it's very plain simple and logic ..
    the only thing is: ppl want to take, but aren't willing to give ;)
    so all they find to say is: gpl is bad, gpl is a virus ..
    just because they want to take without giving anythink.
    if i would say something i would it's thoses ppl which are no good ..
    it's not gpl the virus, but maybe those ppl's behavior ..

    well it's so obvious ..
    do all yourself a favor go there and read:

    i did read that ..did you?
    if you want to criticize, know what you're talking about first..
  • »09.08.06 - 07:34
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