• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 91 from 2003/7/30
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    Next public beta is ready. Get it here:

    Most important changes:
    - heavily optimised second phase of 'Find lost files' action
    - fixed problems with 'Recover files' action
    - added progress display for a few actions
    - changed a bit the way SFSDoctor handles so called 'colliding files' - now it the decission is left to user, which file should be kept instead of removing both files. (well, this behaviour gives much more power, but I definitely needs a few words of documentation - I will write it probably tommorow)

    With this version I successfully recovered/undeleted 135319 files from the partition I killed a week ago. This is about 99% of all files that were store on that partition (only a few unimportant files has gone). That partition is about 32GB large. It took sbout 2 hours to process it. Maybe it is a bit slow, but currently I have no idea how this could be speeded up more.

    Now I will work on documentation, then I will try to add "Abort" buttons.
    Marek Szyprowski ...... happy MorphOS, AmigaOS and Debian/Linux user ........
  • »11.03.06 - 14:45
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