• Just looking around
    Posts: 7 from 2013/3/13
    very few posts here, despite I have a registered mos machine, I' m more os4 side, however I developped with Hollywood a tool (themeedit) mainly intended for os4 users but working on aros and mos too. Recently I lost a bit motivation in proceeding with this project. But this could be a good opportunity for me to complete the upcoming new version and release it for mos as well.
    It will be able to read and save themes for any of the 3 os's. It is definitely a wip, while I'm understanding the different behaviours I developp the program and I found the mos theme the most complicated!. The actual mos support is then limited, but the target of this program is to drive the user on the different steps for making a theme by showing the theme and the effects of the changes done on the graphics items. Concerning cross saving between the 3 standards(not yet implemented) I have some ethics doubts. Is it worth to give the possibility to read and convert the work of someother else?
    If there is some iterest on this side of the Amiga world I will upload my work to have some feedback, but this will be not earlier than one two months.

  • »01.04.14 - 19:39