• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 327 from 2012/6/13
    From: Pacifica, CA

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > It turned out that "ptplay.player" was activated. I clicked on Save anyways, but still all
    > I get is noise, like the audio is playing at a ery high speed.

    Do other file formats like MP3 play well in ANR?

    I just realized that the files that I ported from that O4.1 computer were, for some unknown reason, saved as "mod.filename" format and their respective icons show them as tools.

    I'm wondering if there is a way of editing them so that I can play them. I'd be a shame to lose such a complete compilation of 199 songs,
    MacMini G4 1.5GHz with MorphOS 3.9 FPGA MiST w/AmigaOS 3.9 (PFS3), FPGA Replay w/AmigaOS3.9, Amiga 1200 SCSI CD-RW, X-SURF 100 w/Rapidroad USB, External FDD with Chinon and Gotek units and Acer Aspire One ICAROS
  • »10.10.13 - 02:23