• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 152 from 2009/12/9
    From: Virginia,USA
    I like both Canada and France, both better political countries than the US IMHO, we here simply have too much of a radical right wing for any real progress. I have considered both Canada and France for possible future living, due to healthcare (France is ranked #1 and Canada is #30, compared to the US being #37.
    My Macs:
    Powerbook G4 ALU 1.5GHZ 15" 1.5GB OSX.5.8
    Powermac G4 MDD 1.5GHZ OSX.5.8 MOS2.7

    Want a part for a Mac? Let me know, I'll see what I can do.

    Amithlon is amazing, questions and help I can provide.
  • »03.06.12 - 21:27