> I don't know what pega-1 is thinking or what is going on in his head > maybe he thinks ok PowerBook port don't need wifi and full R300 for > first release, or maybe he thinks it still need it.
Of course, nobody except pega-1 himself knows what pega-1 is thinking or what's going on in his head, me neither. And that shouldn't be subject to any discussion here anyway, I think. But what's fully relevant for a discussion about future MorphOS releases is what MorphOS Team members like pega-1 actually *say* on that subject, the more if they say it in public (and recorded on a public video, so for everyone to check if in doubt). To repeat once more what me and others have been repeating here on MorphZone for the last 16 days: At Amiga Meeting Nord 2010 in Bad Bramstedt, pega-1 said that the PowerBook G4 release won't come without full R300 support (but could come without WiFi support).