Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
> What is your problem what is so hard to understand????
I think that I outlined my questions in a very clear and clean language, so it should be easy for you to address them in case you actually know the answers.
> First you pissed ppl on PegasosoForum.de off
> now the same in here.
If you mean that I piss you off because I'm asking questions to you then so be it.
> one last try, maybe you will get it now.
I very much hope so. Let's see.
> pega-1 and maybe other MorphOS Team members wan't to have full R300
> and Wifi support ready befor they release a Powerbook port.
Regarding the requirement of full R300 support for a PowerBook G4 release: That's what I've been saying all along (and been criticized for all along, by you and others).
Regarding the requirement of WiFi support for a PowerBook G4 release I'll quote guruman again:
"he told the PowerBook G4 version basically ony lacks graphics acceleration support for R300 chipset and wireless support. [...] the second is really a nice to have for a portable, but nobody is working on it right now and so a first PowerBook release might eventually happen even without the wireless supported."
> Some of us at the meeting spoke with pega-1 to release it as it is in 2.8.
> Better then wait for the R300 3D and WIFI drivers till 2.9 or 3.0 or later.
That would be your (unsuccessful, as you said (quote): "I haven't convinced pega-1") attempt at convincing him, I guess.
> i can't remeber if i had this conversation with him befor or after the presentation.
Do you want to imply that what pega-1 said at the presentation could have been invalidated by the conversation you had with him afterwards(?), so that PowerBook G4 support could in fact be planned to be released without full R300 support opposed to what he says in the video? If yes, then that would change everything of course, like I said already twice. But then, you would actually have succeeded in convincing him, which you clearly said you didn't.
> can you tell me why should be full R300 support needed for a release?
No, I can't, because *I* don't know. I didn't say that I'd think that PowerBook G4 support couldn't technically be released without full R300 support. I've just been saying all along that in the video *pega-1* called full R300 support a requirement for the PowerBook G4 release, and I think I've proven that to be fact.
I asked you before in this thread, and I'll ask you again: Is it really that hard to grasp the conceptual difference between making a statement regarding an issue, which I didn't, and reporting that someone else (a MorphOS Team member actually) has made that statement regarding that issue, which I did? I'm puzzled, really.
So my conclusion is as follows:
On the one hand, we have a public statement by a MorphOS Team member that the PowerBook G4 release won't come without full R300 support. That public statement hasn't to date been invalidated by any more recent public statement (to my knowledge, that is). On the other hand we have your statement that your attempt at convincing the authorities to have PowerBook G4 support already released without full R300 support in MorphOS 2.8 may or may not (you don't seem to know yourself) have succeeded. Go figure...
»24.11.10 - 21:46