New SAM460EX
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > please do update it with any SAM460 and MorphOS news, when related.

    This will happen more likely in that thread:

    > IF MorphOS team decides [...] that e.g. Cyrus is viable and avail platform,
    > faster and modern then G4 and G5 Macs (where AmigaOne X1000 failed
    > mainly because of CPU choice) in despite of price, they can support it too.

    Absolutely. And I'm not even sure it really must be "faster [...] then G4 and G5 Macs", as can be seen by the announced Sam460 port.

    > what would be most interesting to see is MorphOS fully supporting such
    > boards before AmigaOS 4.x :-)

    Which on-board component(s) do you have in mind here?
  • »10.08.14 - 05:29
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > Your quote is from 2010. A lot has happened since then.

    Is there anything in Trevor's quote that you think isn't valid today anymore?
  • »10.08.14 - 05:33
  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 524 from 2003/11/25
    From: Belgrade

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > please do update it with any SAM460 and MorphOS news, when related.

    This will happen more likely in that thread:

    OK, thanks. I see SAM440 is also mentioned, which would be nice. As CPU its quite the similar chip, surely a board is a bit different.

    > IF MorphOS team decides [...] that e.g. Cyrus is viable and avail platform,
    > faster and modern then G4 and G5 Macs (where AmigaOne X1000 failed
    > mainly because of CPU choice) in despite of price, they can support it too.

    >Absolutely. And I'm not even sure it really must be "faster [...] then G4 and G5 >Macs", as can be seen by the announced Sam460 port.

    Simply by tech sheet honestly those Freescales looks so nice they should be new enough to be faster, that I kind of bite myself for not waiting longer and buying X1000 in announced last batch. But I do agree as with Efika, its not the high end that is goal, but versatility of platforms. Its good to have

    On a lot has changed since 2010 sidenote, I haven`t seen Trevor being against MorphOS or new blue vs red war recently. In other words I don`t see what has changed to worse.

    In the end, those systems (Acube,AEON) will go on sale madatory with OS4, but no one can stop another operating system from supporting them. More honest question would be will Trevor offer free system to developers - which I believe he did with X1000 but platform itself wasn`t attractive as slower then Macs.

    > what would be most interesting to see is MorphOS fully supporting such
    > boards before AmigaOS 4.x :-)

    >Which on-board component(s) do you have in mind here?[>/quote]

    SAM460 - full onboard SATA2, RadeonHD with 3D
    x1000/Cyrus - onboard Network, mem card onboard, RadeonHD with 3D, even any use of second core and beyond

    Its a bit sad that after years so far sam440 is basically only fully supported board from hardware side (by OS4). Driver thing kills rest of good feelin and MOS does better job there.

    + Filesystem support that would enable file share between AmigaOS, Linux and MorphOS
    + More WiFi cards supported with some nice info on avail, connected, speed
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  • »11.08.14 - 13:55
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 480 from 2008/8/10

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > Your quote is from 2010. A lot has happened since then.

    Is there anything in Trevor's quote that you think isn't valid today anymore?

    Publically we know that linux distros have expanded for Amigaone X1000 since Trevor's interview from 2010.
    In fact the link from XENO, who is a big part of these projects is fairly prominent - "".


    I would suggest discussing anything beyond that would be better served by contacting Trevor directly.

  • »11.08.14 - 14:27
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I see SAM440 is also mentioned

    As platform not to be supported, yes.

    > As CPU its quite the similar chip

    Yes, depends on the definition of "similar":

    > Simply by tech sheet honestly those Freescales looks so nice they should
    > be new enough to be faster

    I'm not sure a 2.2 GHz e5500 is faster than a 2.7 GHz PPC970 core.

    > as with Efika, its not the high end that is goal

    The port to the Efika 5200B was paid for, that's the reason it exists.

    > but versatility of platforms.

    The port to the Sam460 has been primarily worked on to have a target platform that's available as new.

    > I haven`t seen Trevor being against MorphOS [...] recently.

    I haven`t seen Trevor being against MorphOS ever ;-)

    > those systems (Acube,AEON) will go on sale madatory with OS4

    Also for ACube's industrial customers? ;-)

    > will Trevor offer free system to developers - which I believe he did with X1000

    "They never sent me an X1000 as promised so I could support the mainline kernel on it, so I'm sorry but you're mostly on your own here."

    >>> what would be most interesting to see is MorphOS fully supporting such
    >>> boards before AmigaOS 4.x :-)

    >> Which on-board component(s) do you have in mind here?

    > SAM460 - full onboard SATA2


    > RadeonHD with 3D

    Not an on-board component.

    > x1000/Cyrus - onboard Network

    Yes, on-board network driver for X1000 has been available only for betatesters for over a year.

    > mem card onboard


    > RadeonHD with 3D

    Again, not an on-board component.

    > even any use of second core and beyond

    Not likely, I think.

    > + Filesystem support that would enable file share between AmigaOS, Linux and MorphOS

    FAT? NTFS?
  • »11.08.14 - 21:14
  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 524 from 2003/11/25
    From: Belgrade
    > As CPU its quite the similar chip

    >Yes, depends on the definition of "similar":

    Basically as CPU is almost the same changed frequency and cache.

    > Simply by tech sheet honestly those Freescales looks so nice they should
    > be new enough to be faster

    >I'm not sure a 2.2 GHz e5500 is faster than a 2.7 GHz PPC970 core.

    I ment in multicore edition. As far as I can see it has slightly more DMIPS/Mhz to compensate the difference, slightly more cache and a bit better FPU which slould bring about the asme user feeling. We ll know more once we have the Cyrus and Linux to test it.

    > but versatility of platforms.

    >The port to the Sam460 has been primarily worked on to have a target platform that's >available as new.

    Which I interpret as versalility - availiability of both high performance and low performance, used and new hardware (even in this case used hardware outperforms new)

    > those systems (Acube,AEON) will go on sale madatory with OS4

    >Also for ACube's industrial customers? ;-)

    To be honest, never heard of, even that would be nice for them (to sell it as Linux embed sys and to have more sales)

    > will Trevor offer free system to developers - which I believe he did with X1000

    >"They never sent me an X1000 as promised so I could support the mainline kernel >on it, so I'm sorry but you're mostly on your own here."

    That is about Linux?

    I believe they were offered the Nemo board (and that Trevor would honor that still if asked politely)

    >>> what would be most interesting to see is MorphOS fully supporting such
    >>> boards before AmigaOS 4.x :-)

    >> Which on-board component(s) do you have in mind here?

    > SAM460 - full onboard SATA2


    Which OS4 doesn`t support with DMA

    > RadeonHD with 3D

    >Not an on-board component.

    Agreed but onboard gfx is next to useless, and it would benefit to overall OS step ahead, even it would be for start just Radeon 4000HDs. A bit strange situation where all RadeonHDs are supported by paid driver - but in 2D only and one has to add generally slower 9250 to get 3D gfx going. MorphOS has gone further in 3D area, but HD Radeons are anyway next challenge.

    > x1000/Cyrus - onboard Network

    >Yes, on-board network driver for X1000 has been available only for betatesters for ?>over a year.

    True, but is not avail to general X1000 users, so its not out yet. Still additional and slower PCI card has to be used, not to mention more cables.

    > mem card onboard


    Which is essential as it can boot both AmigaOS, Linux and even could MorphOS but is not visible from AmigaOS. Sad and strange since its nice move to have it.

    >Again, not an on-board component.

    > even any use of second core and beyond

    >Not likely, I think.

    I understand the limits, but even use of it as separate VM could be great and benefitial - e.g. running Linux from kind of hardware Hypervisor since X1000/Cyrus support it instead of rebooting to it. That could instantly add usage of Linux apps via such switch, if its possible.

    > + Filesystem support that would enable file share between AmigaOS, Linux and MorphOS

    >FAT? NTFS?

    FAT32 at least, NTFS and EXT4 if possible.
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
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  • »13.08.14 - 13:51
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    >> "They never sent me an X1000 as promised so I could support the mainline kernel
    >> on it, so I'm sorry but you're mostly on your own here."

    > That is about Linux?

    Yes, obviously.

    > I believe they were offered the Nemo board

    According to Olof Johansson, he was promised a board but never sent one.

    >>> + Filesystem support that would enable file share between AmigaOS, Linux and MorphOS

    >> FAT? NTFS?

    > FAT32 at least, NTFS and EXT4 if possible.

    FAT32 and NTFS are already supported by OS4, Linux and MorphOS. That's why I mentioned them.
  • »13.08.14 - 23:13
  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 524 from 2003/11/25
    From: Belgrade
    > That is about Linux?

    >Yes, obviously.

    Well, things were changed a lot thanks to Xenos work. Now almost any PPC64 Linux can be used + Ubuntu can be easily modified with use of package manager to have almost every possible graphic envirovment and programs. Great progress made on that front.

    > I believe they were offered the Nemo board

    >According to Olof Johansson, he was promised a board but never sent one.

    Why not asking Trevor again if it has purpose of any future development?
    Its not that bad at all once you start using it - its enough horsepower
    to decently run Linux (Libre, Firefox, GIMP ...) and well enoygh for OS4.
    Only trouble is the price, but that seems to be small market economy.

    >>> + Filesystem support that would enable file share between AmigaOS, Linux and MorphOS

    >> FAT? NTFS?

    > FAT32 at least, NTFS and EXT4 if possible.

    >FAT32 and NTFS are already supported by OS4, Linux and MorphOS. That's why I >mentioned them.

    Well, not really. To best of my knowledge, you cannot format a FAT32/NTFS partition from OS4 Partition manager, and neither it can see already made on under Limux partition manager, at least not instantly. If I understand recent progress

    it needs a separate hard drive. Or at least was used in that example. HAve to admit haven`t tried that on my own. But even if it needs a separate drive it is better then nothing.

    How does MorphOS do on that front, a common data partition is helpful?
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
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  • »13.08.14 - 23:30
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > How does MorphOS do on that front [...]?

    AFAIK, no separate drive needed for FAT32 or NTFS, but may depend on used partition layout (RDB, APM).
  • »14.08.14 - 11:08
  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 524 from 2003/11/25
    From: Belgrade

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > How does MorphOS do on that front [...]?

    AFAIK, no separate drive needed for FAT32 or NTFS, but may depend on used partition layout (RDB, APM).

    Good, another nice to see feature of MorphOS. As far as I have read, it can also boot from PFS if inserted in RDB, which is also nice feature. I wonder how better is that IceFS compared to PFS/SFS/FFS2?

    (Just planning future partitions and file systems since I would like to have Xenos Linux too and shared data partition on an SSD)
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
    Lame PC with AmiKit XE
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  • »14.08.14 - 19:42
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > As far as I have read, it can also boot from PFS if inserted in RDB

    Yes, if you mean the MorphOS system partition, not the boot partition with the boot.img file. But this only works on Pegasos and Efika 5200B (and Sam460 in future I guess) as the Mac OpenFirmware doesn't know RDB.

    > I would like to have Xenos Linux too

    Linux for the Sam460 is done by Spectre660, not by xeno74.
  • »15.08.14 - 08:08
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    >>> those systems (Acube,AEON) will go on sale madatory with OS4

    >> Also for ACube's industrial customers? ;-)

    > To be honest, never heard of

    "We sell boards also outside the Amiga market even if Amigans are the most of our customers."
  • »19.09.14 - 15:41
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I would like to see A-eon drop the X3500

    "The X3500 lives in silicon but we only have a few units for internal testing."
  • »09.11.14 - 22:45
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 582 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > Yes, if you mean the MorphOS system partition, not the boot partition with the boot.img file. But this only works on Pegasos and Efika 5200B (and Sam460 in future I guess) as the Mac OpenFirmware doesn't know RDB.

    PFS3 has been included in the boot.img since several MorphOS versions, now. Thus PFS3 will also works for Macs. Naturally the boot.img partition must be HFS still.
  • »09.11.14 - 23:02
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    >> this only works on Pegasos and Efika 5200B (and Sam460 in future I guess) as the
    >> Mac OpenFirmware doesn't know RDB.

    > PFS3 has been included in the boot.img since several MorphOS versions, now. Thus PFS3
    > will also works for Macs.

    Ah yes, thanks for the correction. I missed (or forgot?) that somehow.
  • »10.11.14 - 00:19
  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 524 from 2003/11/25
    From: Belgrade

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > I would like to see A-eon drop the X3500

    "The X3500 lives in silicon but we only have a few units for internal testing."

    If I understood the AEON development line well, its a bit stange they go for high end dual/quad core model since AOS supports no SMP at all ... I suppose since they might be developed around similar board, that miking will start with high end board. Acubes policy of at least reducing costs a bit sounds more reasonable.

    Its even mentioned X5000 might be launched with OS 4.1 Final, with same future license of OS 4.2, so one more beta ... MorphOS policy of going for fully supported board (like SAM460ex/cr and all past models) is way more reasonable and less harassing to the users. People still have to use two Ethernet cards and even two graphic cards to make best of use of Linux and AmigaOS 4 on X1000 ... and even two sound cards in early days.

    P3040 Dual Core 1.5Ghz
    Unknown release date

    P5020 Dual Core 2.0Ghz
    4Q 2014 possibly

    P5040 Quad Core 2.4Ghz
    Unknown release date
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
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  • »10.11.14 - 00:25
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > its a bit stange they go for high end dual/quad core model since AOS supports no SMP at all

    Multiprocessing has been announced for future OS4 versions, so I don't find building the base with proper hardware strange at all.

    > they might be developed around similar board

    It's said to be the very same board for all 3 variants.

    > miking will start with high end board.

    I'm not sure what "miking" means, but the X5000 is to debut with the mid-level variant (X5000/20 with P5020).

    > Its even mentioned X5000 might be launched with OS 4.1 Final

    Yes, OS4.1 FE is said to be imminent, while OS4.2 isn't any close according to ssolie.

    > so one more beta

    Which beta?

    > MorphOS policy of going for fully supported board (like SAM460ex/cr and all past models)

    I doubt that the Sam460ex will be fully supported by MorphOS*. And there're still unsupported components on PPC Macs, like Bluetooth.

    > People still have to use two Ethernet cards [...] to make best of use of Linux and
    > AmigaOS 4 on X1000

    Only 1 card. The other Ethernet controller is inside the PA6T chip.

    > and even two sound cards in early days.

    Only 1 card. The other audio functionality is on-board.

    > P3040 Dual Core

    It's P3041 quad-core (hence the '4'). There is no P3040.

    > X3500/40


    * Edit: seems I was wrong.

    [ Edited by Andreas_Wolf 05.04.2015 - 18:21 ]
  • »10.11.14 - 01:03
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    AMIGA one X5000

    LOL, I can't believe they persist in doing this, it's so laughable! :lol:

    Here is my suggestion of a boot image for MorphOS on Sam460 "AmigaOne 500" systems in the same spirit as AeonKit (click for original size):


    (Note: This picture was a mock-up done by me for fun as some kind of response to this, and the MorphOS team of course had nothing to do with it! ;-))
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »06.04.15 - 10:35
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:

    > Trevor seems to increasingly sneak in spellings like "AMIGAone" and "AMIGA one"
    > to the detriment of traditional "AmigaOne" or "AmigaONE".

    "AmigaONE X1000 and AMIGA one X5000"

    But then:

    "Machine Type: AmigaOne X5000"

    Seems they can't make their mind up.

    Well, Hyperion (and Amigakit/Aeon as a sub-licensee) does not have a license to use the "Amiga" mark. What they can call their products are detailed in the contract agreement with Amiga Inc, and "Amiga" isn't there, so they are not allowed to use this mark.

    "They" are probably two different people, one is the programmer who based it on what Hyperion actually are allowed to use (which are also the names accepted and commonly used by the public)...

    ...while the other one is Trevor who has obviously been busy figuring out new ways to parasite upon the "Amiga" mark they have no right to use ever since he wanted to call his new computer "A5000" back in 2013!

    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »07.04.15 - 14:36
  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 524 from 2003/11/25
    From: Belgrade

    takemehomegrandma wrote:

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    Seems they can't make their mind up.

    Well, Hyperion (and Amigakit/Aeon as a sub-licensee) does not have a license to use the "Amiga" mark. What they can call their products are detailed in the contract agreement with Amiga Inc, and "Amiga" isn't there, so they are not allowed to use this mark.;-)

    Its AmigaOne and will always be, while I do remember it as name given to PPC line and surely AEON/Acube gives it at better name then Mai Logic and Amiga Inc did.I suppose Acube and AEOn have some contract on licensing the AmigaOne name.

    Surely you can view Amiga One as name abuse, but that is not that much incorrect - still is A1, and not Amiga 500,2000 etc. like e.g. CommodoreUSA was about to name their "products" (before they decide to go for Mini).

    At least joined Acube and MorphOS team effort will result in AmigaOne (500) being MorphOS supported platform soon :-)

    [ Edited by vox 07.04.2015 - 16:29 ]
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
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  • »07.04.15 - 16:23
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland

    Are you not tired of constant antiOS4 and anti A-Eon campaign? Do you think that this kind of behaviour will bring us more users? How does it help MorphOS?

    It's not that I do like Hyperion and anything related to them but I find those "wars" less funny day by day. Just saying..
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »07.04.15 - 16:31
    Profile Visit Website
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > surely AEON/Acube gives it at better name then Mai Logic and Amiga Inc did.

    The counterpart of A-Eon and ACube would be Eyetech. Mai Logic's role would be more like Varisys'.

    > I suppose Acube and AEOn have some contract on licensing the AmigaOne name.

    Yes, they have licensed the name from Hyperion.

    > Its AmigaOne and will always be [...]. Surely you can view Amiga One
    > as name abuse, but that is not that much incorrect

    With the X5000 (as opposed to the X1000), A-Eon is promoting the "AMIGA one" spelling, not "Amiga One".
  • »07.04.15 - 17:06
  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 524 from 2003/11/25
    From: Belgrade

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    > surely AEON/Acube gives it at better name then Mai Logic and Amiga Inc did.

    The counterpart of A-Eon and ACube would be Eyetech. Mai Logic's role would be more like Varisys'.

    > I suppose Acube and AEOn have some contract on licensing the AmigaOne name.

    Yes, they have licensed the name from Hyperion.

    > Its AmigaOne and will always be [...]. Surely you can view Amiga One as name abuse,
    > but that is not that much incorrect

    With the X5000 (as opposed to the X1000), A-Eon is promoting the "AMIGA one" spelling, not "Amiga One".

    As usually, thanks for the corrections, but I hope that messages are understandable. It could be amiga one or AMIGA ONE, that all variates of the same name :-)

    Radeon HD4000 support would be great (if not initial, soon) because its default graphic card with SAM460ex/A1-500, with full 3D support.

    I understand most of MorphOS users see it as expensive board of no interest (since one can easily obtain PPC Mac) but potential is:

    - firstly in current SAM users ( lists 14 A1-500 and 135 SAM4xx boards).

    - as well is in offer of system with MorphOS on Acube website (if can be arranged), or if not on some independent stores

    - SAM460ex benefits as developmental bridge to PCI-E (sound, gfx, SATA ...) cards, compared to cumbestone and rarer G5 Macs. Lastly, SAM460 port could easily bring SAM440 port as it is quite similar.

    - I don`t know future Acube plans, but one more generation off IBM/AMCC 4xx chips exists
    That might be a nice mid-range MorphOS system

    Poor performance: ... It can be usable system - even, it it doesnt have altivec, It seems code SAM460 can be optimized - Acube version has FPU

    Trivia: Its also interesting to see AMCC 460EX developer board can cost much ...

    So Acubes offer doesn`t seem that bad :-)
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
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  • »07.04.15 - 20:09
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > current SAM users ( lists 14 A1-500 and 135 SAM4xx boards).

    We don't know how the Sam4xx number is distributed between Sam440 and Sam460, though.

    > one more generation off IBM/AMCC 4xx chips exists

    The IBM PPC47x core has nothing to do with Applied Micro (AMCC). Besides, it's even two generations above (not counting the PPC450 core, else it would be three), as the PPC460EX chip has a PPC440 core, not a PPC46x core. Applied Micro offers chips with PPC46x core, but not with PPC47x core.

    > Acube version has FPU

    Yes, the PPC440 core in the PPC460EX chip has an FPU attached to it. That was a requirement for ACube's selection of this CPU in the first place.
  • »07.04.15 - 22:59