Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12245 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
Paramesh Gopi - Applied Micro Circuits Corporation - President and CEO
[...] Year to date, Applied Micro has introduced 7 new 40-nanometer TSMC products, of which 4 are processors.
Robert Gargus - Applied Micro Circuits Corporation - SVP and CFO
[...] we had introduced 7 new products this year through the first 9 months. Four of those were in the Processor family, and all of them were 40-nanometer. And all of them were in TSMC.
http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/711065/000119312511021986/dex992.htm (transcript of Applied Micro's third quarter 2011 earnings conference call in late January 2011)
Still, I can only count two: APM86190 and APM86290.
APM86391 and APM86392 announced ("Diamondback"):
It seems that Gopi and Gargus already included those two when talking about their 40nm processors two months ago.
Edit: added some more links
Edit2: changed links from 'myapm' to 'myapmold'
[ Edited by Andreas_Wolf 16.08.2013 - 14:42 ]