Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
From: Delaware, USA
>> he instead announced that he is moving forward with more new computers
>> from A-Eon with Varisys as his partner and AmigaKit was also joining him
>> as a partner to produce new AmigaOne computers.
> True, he specifically said that they contracted Varisys to develop three new products,
> one of which will be an XCore processor card. I guess the remaining two will be
> standalone PPC boards for running OS4.
"we learned a bunch of things this year, including news on two systems coming from A-EON"
Trevor mentioned months ago that he and Paul Gentle's firm were working on at least a couple projects.
But I don't think he's revealed too many of the details yet.
Considering that Paul mentioned an interest in Qorlq processor to me about two years ago, and considering the remarkable developments within those product lines, one can only wonder what those fellows are up to.
"Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"