• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...
    Jim wrote:,

    From AmigaDave at Amiwest, today:

    "Not sure why there would be so excited about anything running on the SAM460ex, since it is still over priced and under powered, but Jason McMullan has confirmed that he does have AROS running on his SAM460ex and will be showing it tomorrow during the show. He will be leaving after his presentation on Sunday morning to go home."

    So, I guess, more news tomorrow...

    Jason ended up giving his AROS presentation on the SAM460ex on Saturday, instead of Sunday, so he did not even set up his computers on Sunday, and he left to go to the airport around 10:30am on Sunday. I over slept on Sunday, after initially waking up at around 6:30am I fell back to sleep and did not wake up until 5 minutes until 10am, so I almost missed even saying goodbye to Jason McMullan on Sunday morning.

    To be honest, I was so busy with people interested in MorphOS3.1, winning raffle prizes (I think I won 4, or 5 out of the possible 8 to 10 raffle prizes during both days by giving the SACC club a $20.00 donation to support their work in putting on the AmiWest Show each year), and trying to look around at all of the different display tables and buying a couple of things from Matthew & AmigaKit (I hate to see Matthew pack up much gear that he had shipped over to sell during the show), as I never want Matthew to bring Amiga gear over with him and have me not buy something from him before he returns to Wales and has to ship his remaining stock that did not sell during the AmiWest Show.

    I only had a quick look at AROS running native on the SAM460ex, and the only thing I noticed was that Jason McMullan had not yet completed work on the video driver so that the resolution he was running at was not optimal for the monitor he had borrowed from one of the other people attending the 2012 AmiWest Show. I did not realize that Jason was not going to set up his display at all on Sunday, because his original plan was to do his presentation on Sunday and then leave for the airport to catch his flight home. I wish I had taken a closer look at the demonstration of AROS native on the SAM460ex, so I could answer some of your questions regarding it.

    I don't want to offend all of the people who have purchased a SAM460ex with my comment that Jim quoted from my email to Jim, after he had indicated that many posters on the MorphZone.org forum were interested in the Native AROS demonstration that was rumored that Jason was going to do during some part of the 2012 AmiWest Show (Jim, that is twice now that you have copy and pasted part of a private comment between me and yourself into a public forum).

    Although I stand by what I wrote to you, I don't want people taking it out of the context of my perception that not many people who post on the forums of MorphZone.org would own a SAM460ex, as it does not run any version of MorphOS, so only AmigaOS4.x users would use a SAM460ex, and there are not many people who run AmigaOS4.x exclusively posting comments on a MorphOS Centric public forum. I can easily understand why people who already own a SAM460ex (which by the way has adequate power to run AmigaOS4.1.5 at an acceptable speed, or maybe even at a fast speed, but it woud depend on what you are comparing it to, as there are only a limited number of computers that can run AmigaOS4.1.5 and the SAM460ex is perhaps the 2nd fastest new computer you can purchase, or the 3rd fastest available computer over all if you consider all current and past computer designs that can run AmigaOS4.1.5 on today.

    Comparing computers that can run AmigaOS4.1.5 with other computers which are not capable of running AmigaOS4.1.5, makes no sense. It is like comparing a Ferrari with a pick-up truck. Only the truck is capable of carrying over 1,000 pounds of cement bags down a dirt road to a construction site without damaging itself, so it serves it's specific purpose well. Running AROS on the SAM460ex does not make any sense, UNLESS the person already owns a SAM460ex to run AmigaOS4.1.5 and he just wants to explore what running AROS is like, just like many X1000 owners are curious about how well their X1000 can run Linux, so a few smart guys with X1000's have taken the time and expended the effort to write, or modify existing Linux kernels, so they can boot many different versions of Linux on their X1000 computers, but I doubt that any Amiga users have purchased their X1000 computers only for running Linux on them, just as I strongly doubt that any MorphOS3.1 users will purchase a SAM460ex so they can run AROS native, instead of buying an x86 PC to run AROS Natively at many times the speed of a SAM460ex.

    Jason McMullan already owned a SAM460ex and his programming skill set is ideal for writing AROS drivers, from what I can tell, after spending just a short time with him on Friday evening and a little time while we were setting up his AROS demonstration and I was setting up the many computers I use each year to demonstrate MorphOS, with the addition of my X1000 this year, that was sharing my table space with all the MorphOS3.1 computers.

    Sorry for the long explanation, but I did not want my quoted comment about the SAM460ex to be misunderstood, without the context I was using to base my comment on fully explained. When you discuss AROS running native on the SAM460ex, you naturally must consider other platforms that can also run AROS. The same discussion is very different when you are talking about computers that are capable of running AmigaOS4.1.5. Since I own, use, and promote all flavors of the Amiga experience, including all of the Classic Amiga computer models, so I never want any of my comments used out of context, which is why I have written such a long explanation here.

    Perhaps Jim also misunderstood my comment, as I did not write it out clearly within my email to him, which was short and did not include any long explanation, but I thought he would understand, since I believe it was this forum he was referring to, when he made the initial comment about people being very interested in the rumor of Jason McMullan demonstrating AROS Native on the SAM460ex.

    [ Edited by amigadave 24.10.2012 - 04:50 ]
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »24.10.12 - 12:35