• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12245 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    >> bPlan are very close to finishing Aura development on the EfikaMX, thus providing
    >> an high level abstraction to the devices/drivers of the device in an OS-agnostic way.
    >> Of course, an appropriate Linux kernel is also developed at the same time.

    > Thanks for the clarification Konstantinos. So, what Genesi/bPlan/Pegatron are doing
    > is making a new computer and custom operating system. Well, almost... But in many
    > regards, it is. Once done, it's all a matter of convincing the world to write kernels for Aura.

    According to Genesi's statement from June 2011, they are more successful than IBM in this regard at least:

    "Genesi also possess the proprietary technology, "Aura." Competitors like IBM have worked diligently and spent substantial amounts of time and capital to replicate Aura. However, until this date, they have not been able to succeed in that endeavor."
    http://www.genesi-tech.com/cache/baylor/China.pdf (page 20)

    Does anybody have any information about IBM's alleged unsuccessful endeavour to "replicate Aura"?
  • »15.09.12 - 11:21