>> some (see Wikipedia) even think the e5500 to actually be what was >> announced as e700 in 2004.
> Answer from Preet Virk, strategic marketing director for Freescale's > Networking Processor Division: > "The e5500 is [...] unrelated to a previously mentioned e700 family" > http://blogs.freescale.com/2010/06/23/what%e2%80%99s-up-with-64-bit-embedded-computing/#comment-292
Wikipedia has been changed recently to reflect this. The statements
"Freescale have used the e700 and NG-64 monikers to refer to this core since 2004." and "The former codename for what probably was to be this product." and "It was eventually revealed as the e5500 core."
...have been changed to
"Freescale have used the e700 and NG-64 monikers to refer to a very similarly speced core since 2004, but they are not the same product" and "Freescale eventually released the e5500 core but it was not the same core even though they are very similarly speced."