> he also sees the advantage of having hardware that can run both OS4 and > MorphOS, which would provide a small step toward re-unifying the Amiga > community. [...] It appears to me that the MorphOS Dev. Team members > have stopped antagonizing or arguing with any OS4 users a long time ago > and are satisfied with just making MorphOS the best system it can be, without > regard for anything that is happening with OS4. I think the users should do the > same and refrain from any petty disputes with OS4 users who sometimes are > offended too easily when they feel that a critical comment of comparison is > being made to the detriment of their OS of choice.
I'm sure you remember Fab's and later Daff's performance comparisons of MorphOS vs. OS4 on the Pegasos II and the arguing and disputes they caused. If Trevor's dream of more hardware that can run both OS4 and MorphOS will come true you can definitely expect more of such "petty disputes" and "critical comments of comparison", as the release of OS4 for the Pegasos II has shown. So to me it seems that longing for a unified hardware platform and at the same time longing for less disputes and comparisons are two aims that are contradictory and you can't have it both ways. To my mind, the best way to lessen the arguing between MorphOS users and OS4 users would be to keep each of those operating systems on distinct hardware so that pure OS comparisons are not possible (except for the Pegasos II where the horse has already bolted, if you pardon the pun). Having said that, personally I'm all for factual comparisons and critical comments, so I'm looking forward to more hardware where both MorphOS and OS4 can run on.