• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...

    Please do not spread rumors like that. I have not heard that rumor and doubt it is true.

    As far as I know, Trevor, A-Eon and Hyperion are all still on good terms with each other.

    You can make all the assumptions you want, but Trevor has publicly stated his desire to bring the Amiga community back together, in what ever way he can, and knowing the limitations and obstacles in his way. He uses both OS4 and MorphOS, but prefers OS4 for himself, so I am pretty sure what ever he produces in the future will have OS4 ported to it, but he also sees the advantage of having hardware that can run both OS4 and MorphOS, which would provide a small step toward re-unifying the Amiga community. He knows that unifying the Development Teams is not something that is possible at this point in time.

    I really admire his spirit and would do anything to help him spread his goals for more cooperation and support for developers. His attitude and dreams have inspired me enough to part with a huge chunk of my retirement income, to purchase a First Contact X1000 computer from A-Eon and AmigaKit.

    I encourage all of you to exercise similar attitudes of cooperation, and/or tolerance and acceptance toward OS4 users and developers. It appears to me that the MorphOS Dev. Team members have stopped antagonizing or arguing with any OS4 users a long time ago and are satisfied with just making MorphOS the best system it can be, without regard for anything that is happening with OS4. I think the users should do the same and refrain from any petty disputes with OS4 users who sometimes are offended too easily when they feel that a critical comment of comparison is being made to the detriment of their OS of choice.

    It is just a waste of time and more than that, it is harmful to the growth of MorphOS and it's user base. Live and let live and don't let yourself get sucked into pointless arguments, or flame fests on any forum sites. Enjoy and use what you like and help promote it to the benefit of us all. Make positive statements and actions, and forget about trying to argue with, or convince non-MorphOS users to see things your way.

    Our small community can accomplish much more together, than we can apart.

    (stepping down from my pulpit and hopefully won't bore you all with any more sermons for a long time)
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »11.12.11 - 03:33