Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
From: Northern Calif...
Just curious to know how many MorphOS2.x users there are that are registered. The number of registered licenses can't give me that number, as many people have 2 or 3 paid licenses with a few that might even have 4 or more (though that sounds crazy to me).
I have 2 paid registrations, one for my Efika (currently for sale if anyone is interested) and one for my 1.5GHz G4 MacMini.
If one third of the ~735 paid registrations are owned by people that have 2 or more paid registrations, then the actual number of MorphOS users who are paid registrants of MorphOS would be closer to ~500 users.
My other question (since I was not around here before MorphOS2.0 was released) is how many MorphOS1.x users were there at it's peak? 1,000 users? 1,500 users? 2,500 users? More? Does anyone have an educated guess?
How many registered members does MorphZone.org have? Not that they are all current or former MorphOS users, as many are just curious bystanders that drop by to have a look once in a while.
No real reason for these questions, other than curiosity. I have also wondered the same questions regarding the number of users that AmigaOS4.x has now and has had in the past, but it seems to be even harder to find those answers.
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