• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...
    How many members here have already purchased a G4 MacMini in anticipation of running MorphOS on it in the future?

    I know there has been some discussion about how wise, or unwise it is to purchase used equipment with the intent to use it for something that is not finished yet and has no projected finish date, or even promise that it will be finished, though the demos and discussion so far would tend to lead most to believe that it will be finished, and will probably be the next NEW platform that MorphOS is released for, so I was wondering how many members here either have purchased a G4 MacMini, or already had one, and are waiting for the release of MorphOS for it.

    Secondly, though we do not want to bother the MorphOS development team, just for fun, how many members here think that it will be possible for the MorphOS team to complete and release MOS for the MacMini before the end of 2009?

    I will admit that I am looking to purchase a G4 MacMini for myself as soon as I find one for a reasonable price, but I am already a fan of MacOSX and will find good use for the MacMini even if MorphOS is never released for it, but hope that it will be done soon.

    I don't have a clue about what the time line is for completion of MorphOS for the MacMini, and actually still would like to see improvements made to MorphOS support on my EFIKA first, but I am going to make a wild guess and say that I think we will be able to buy MorphOS for the MacMini before the end of this year, but it is just a guess.

    When/If MorphOS is released for the MacMini, I hope it has support for wireless networking via the MacMini's airport card and that the bluetooth also works, but that may be too much to ask for at its initial release, as the team probably has it's hands full just getting the wired ethernet, and other drivers working for an initial release on the Mini.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »13.02.09 - 03:12