Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2060 from 2003/6/4
koan wrote:
1. Eee shipped with Linux/QT didn't it ? Has that stopped shipping now ? It seems to me that the market is there if you have the right product.
2. If mainstream consumers accepted this "weird Linux" thing rather than their beloved Windows then MorphOS potentially could be a suitable netbook OS. Although it's far from being ready. Us MorphOS users can dream about that.
Ppl accept Linux on the Eee because it does the things that aere expected. *If* MorphOS came with OOo and a *really* decent browser with Flash support then ppl would accept MorphOS, too. Maybe some folks would even fall in love with MorphOS.
But from the three cruicial issues a netbook must do (multimedia, internet, office) MorphOS is only in the multimedia domain up to date (MPlayer, nice audio players). In the Internet domain, there are good parts: good enough mailers, nice IRCs, ftp is okay, but for browsing Sputnik is just not enough (yet!!). Plus there is no Flash support (no, this old flash player on Aminet is not an option). For office situation is compareable weird as for internet, with the exception that there is no development in this area. ButI'd say Office stuf is the least important, once a browser is advanced you can use google docs or the likes as an option.
Thus, as long as there is no proper www support forget about selling a MorphOS driven maschine to common ppl, once there is, I'd day everything is possible...
Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
...and Matthias , my friend - RIP